Thursday, February 5, 2009

Plumbers Need to Take Health and Safety Seriously

(My Original Blog Post:
by Tal Potishman

It is hard to be a plumber. Plumbing is not simply the unclogging of a sink or the snaking of a pipe. A plumber will work with a wide variety of materials and tools in conditions that range from the completely benign to the very dangerous. Plumbers work very hard to make sure that all of the pipes in the United Kingdom work properly. It is vital that plumbers both in and out of the United Kingdom take care to be as safe as they possibly can and that they take appropriate measures to make sure that they and the members of their teams are as safe as possible.

Plumbers are regularly exposed to a lot of different infections and illnesses every day. Psittacosis and Histoplasmosis can be contracted through the regular contact that plumbers have with human and animal droppings. They are also exposed to lead and a host of other harmful elements on a regular basis via the solvents and other materials that are used regularly.

Plumbers also encounter physical risks. Plumbers often are forced to work in positions and spaces that are constricted and uncomfortable. Their muscles and bones get strained and sprained and their risk increases with all of the long hours that they work on a regular basis.

Even the sturdiest of men and women would suffer under the conditions that plumbers face on a regular basis. Thankfully there are many safety measures that a plumber can take to ensure that they are safe healthy and remain uninjured.

1. Plumbers should have the local safety codes memorized. Knowing the safety codes backwards and forwards ensures that a Plumber will know exactly what safety precautions to take in a given situation and leaves less room for guess work.

2. Plumbers should always have a durable and long lasting ventilation system ready for any job. Having clean air in ready supply can make many tougher jobs go much more smoothly and will cut down on the risk to the plumbers considerably.

3. The appropriate clothing: head gear, goggles, masks, footwear"all of these items should be used by Plumbers to keep their bodies protected against the different elements that they will encounter on a job.

4. The work area should always be clean and free of trash and clutter. The cleaner and less clutter there is in a Plumbers' work area, the better able a plumber will be to make sure that his job goes as smoothly as possible.

5. Plumbers should take breaks to rest their bodies. Keeping their bodies rested and healthy will make sure that they are better able to cope with longer projects.

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