Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Grooming for Profits - "The Hidden Secret"

(My Original Blog Post: http://www.wealthyways4you.com/work-from-home/grooming-for-profits-the-hidden-secret)
by George Tannous

Many families in the U.S are losing their homes, their jobs, and in need of money. A mobile grooming business is the answer.

Tell Me More! How Do I Succeed in the Mobile Grooming Business?

To begin with, you will need to be a certified pet groomer able to groom all kinds of dog breeds with different styles as well as cats. In order to achieve this, you'll need to attend a pet grooming school.

A good grooming school is wagmytail.com. You should visit them, call them, and lean about the services they offer.

While you're attending school, you should have your mobile grooming van or grooming trailer custom built for you. You can visit petgroomingvans.com for more information.

How much money can a mobile groomer make?

Well, that depends on each individual. It depends on how hard you're willing to work. Let's make one thing clear; there are plenty of dogs and cats to go around. It is estimated that there are 4,000 pets per groomer in the U.S. today! The pet industry is a multi billion dollar a year industry.

How do I market my mobile grooming business to get customers?

It is not that difficult to get grooming clients. It is said that there are 4000 pets per one groomer today.

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