Friday, February 20, 2009

SEO - Keyword Research and Back Linking

(My Original Blog Post: -*
by Henry Keeps

Whatever your interest in the internet, be it trying to make money, communicate a message to the world, or just having fun, getting a good search engine ranking is of utmost importance if you want to get visitors to your site. There are other ways such as conventional article marketing (very time consuming) or pay per click advertising (very expensive). However, if you know how to do it search engine optimization is ruthlessly effective at getting visitors to your site and achieving your long-term goals.

There are some keywords that you will never rank for. They are just too competitive and you could spend a life time trying to compete without success. Establishing low competition keywords which still generate reasonable amounts of traffic is therefore the first critical step to successful SEO. The Google Keyword tool is a good start, together with conventional Google searches to establish the number of competing pages. However, one problem with this is that you have no idea about how effective the SEO of competing sites is for that keyword and therefore whether you have chance of competing.

For my keyword research I use just one tool called MicroNicheFinder. It pulls a lot of data from Google. However, what makes it so helpful is that it weighs up numerous factors including both the number of competing sites and the SEO of competing sites. Keywords that you stand an excellent opportunity of competing for are highlighted in green. It's beautifully simple yet so incredibly effective.

Another thing to point out is don't underestimate the importance of your site's content. In particular the content should be targetted to specific keywords that you have identified in your keyword research efforts. The content should also be 100% unique and it should be regularly updated (new content at least 3 times a week for the first couple of months). Regularly updated sites really catch the attention of the search engines.

If you know anything about SEO you'll know about the importance of building back links. One of the best methods for achieving this is article marketing. However, if you try and do this effectively manually I reckon there's a 90% chance that you'll give up due to the time and effort that this entails. I just don't have the patience to do it so I use a great tool called Unique Article Wizard which largely automates the process both in terms of generating unique versions of your article and submitting articles to directories on your behalf. It's a great tool, highly effective and I couldn't survive without it.

Now Unique Article Wizard is great for quantity of back links. The other thing to consider is quality of back links - i.e. the higher the page rank of the site that you are back linking from the higher the weight the back link from will carry in the eyes of the search engines. High PR sites that will accept a do follow (this is very important) back link are very difficult to find within your niche. For this I use a service offered by Easy Backlinker which is a basically a search engine for locating these sites. You normally get your back link by adding a comment to an existing post or article.

And that's it basically. If you follow these methods you will get free search engine traffic for your site. I know that these methods work as I use them myself and I can therefore say this with absolute certainty. And the great thing about them is that they don't take up too much of your time.

Search engine optimization does however take time and you shouldn't rush it as your site could end up getting sandboxed. For free immediate traffic I tend to publish articles on EzineArticles, Hubpages and Squidoo. These send trickles of traffic until my SEO starts to kick in.

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