What sets People Apart?
There are always people that at the first signs of stress or pressure cave in to the circumstances around them. They immediately throw in the towel and give up. There are also people that when the going gets tough, keep going and get better. What is it that sets these types of people apart?
The true answer is that those who don't have enough fight left in them to stay in the fight, didn't have a good enough reason to be in the fight in the first place. Did you catch that? In other words, their why wasn't big enough.
The players in the game of life who come to bat expecting the home run, even when they are down and out are dramatically able to visualize their "why" or their reason for doing things in every circumstance. They are committed to their purpose and whether that purpose is to win a baseball game or make a million dollars.nothing is worth giving it up!
Creating Compulsory Reasons to Succeed
The why's or in other words the reasons you want to achieve things is the biggest and most compelling reason you will have to strive towards your goals. If you are starting a business venture that takes a lot of time and energy then in order to keep at it you have to create reasons that resonate with your deepest desires otherwise your commitment, tenacity and determination will easily stall out mid stream.
Let's say you've become dissatisfied with the way your life is going. You are not happy with the status quo. You've determined that you'd like to have enough money to gain a few more material possessions and to have more leisure time.
Many people retire early, around age 55 and then experience sudden illness or death. The reason for this is because these people have lost their purpose. The same is true for people who make it big then have no idea what they want or what their reason for continuing is. They lose their purpose.
By knowing what your reasons are and by adapting and changing them you will never lose your 'why' or your purpose for continuing to be successful.
Roller Coaster Actions
You may be reading this article because you have started a few online businesses, but when they didn't take off like you thought they should, you quit.
Perhaps it was in an area such as a home-based business (of any type), network marketing, internet marketing, internet businesses, direct sales and or other online money-making programs. And your actions toward them more resemble a roller coaster ride than an out and out fight to win.
There are things you can look for in yourself to see if you have made valid and meaningful reasons to succeed. If you experience any of the following sings or symptoms, chances are you need to take a step back and reevaluate your "Why's."
How to Know if Your Reasons are Good Enough
There are tell tale signs. If you have any of these characteristics then your reasons for wanting wealth may not be enough to carry through you the battle:
Putting things off Lack of confidence self doubt embarrassment Inability to make decisions Easily confused or taken off track Fear of failing or making an error Lack of motivation Lots of plans, but no ability to implement them UP & down attitude and efforts
Motivational speaker, philosopher and author, Jim Rohn says it best:
"When you know what you want, and want it bad enough you will find a way to get it."
That's an apt description of having a big why.
Excuses Fade Away
Take time today to write down your driving motivation for the changes you want to see happen in your life. Don't put it off. Once you are directly connected to your why, all your excuses will lose their power over you and one by one they will fade away.
Making excuses is another way of not taking responsibility for your actions and thoughts. Starting today keep a journal of all the meaningful changes you want to see in your life. Include the small and the large changes and use this self written guide as motivation. As you connect to your reasons you will no longer be able to make excuses for yourself and your actions and will take the responsibility to making your dreams come true.
About the Author:
Rob Walcher can be considered as one who has a big why. His why enabled him to become a top income earner in two different direct sales companies in a matter of only 18 months and he has since become known as the Ten-Figure Guru. Rob has subsequently helped hundreds of entrepreneurs achieve their own success. If you want to learn how to connect with your why and work directly with Rob click here
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