Many "old school" network marketing guru still preaching their downlines to go out talk to strangers, recruit everybody they talk to and other out-of-date mlm business building practices.
With the Internet, many "old schol" mlm business builders could not keep up with fierce competition and therefore were forced to learn these "new tactics".
And because of the internet, some network marketing leaders were tired of seeing many people fail in network marketing business. Therefore they decided to teach struggling network marketing professionals the new way.
Why should you start building your mlm business with a new methods?
With the internet technology, many people can do their own research online. There is no need to go door-to-door or other 20 years old mlm tactics.
People hate to be sold on something. You see, there is so much hype and B.S. in mlm business industry. People make huge claims just to get your attention. Unfortunatelly it does not work this way anymore! So learn how to treat your business like a business and people will come to you.
As with any business, network marketing is not a scheme, get rich quick deal or pyramid. So if you thing that you will become rich next week with mlm, you will be very disapointed.
Are you ready to treat your network marketing business as a real business?
I suggest you start meeting local business people. Like lawyers, doctors, day-care-business owner etc... See how they build their business. Do they do yellow pages? Do they have website? Do they sponsor local raffle events? Do they use pay-per-click search engines? Get it?
But just because other business owners are doing it successfully, does not mean that the same tactics will work for network marketing. Some will, some won't.
Thankfully one of my internet marketing guru's Mike Dillard, who was failing in prospecting and recruiting for five years, now drives Austin, have new houses and helps other struggling network marketers achieve the same results with his "new school mlm marketing tactics".
His new course teaches more about Google AdWords and how can you develop mlm leads for your business, who actually pay you to become your leads! It really is awesome. Now you do not need to spend money on leads at all! But they pay you. On average you can get $3-5 bucks for every lead you generate for your network marketing business.
Just go now and watch the free pay per click domination videos. Learn about all the mistakes many people do with Google Adwords. And stop wasting thousands on ineffective advertising.
Here you have it. Basically when you learn these "new school" marketing tactics, you will become your company's the next heavy hitter in just couple short months. The only thing I ask you to really do is, just do it. Watch the "free adwords videos" and start being a mlm success for a change.
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